Marketing & Operations Advisory

Marketing’s Good-to-Great moment comes from execution.
Optimize your operational growth with GTL today.

  • Element of sales operations includes having a unique procedure or process that can capture ideal clients or target profiles with systematic approaches. At GTL, we provide unique ways to build business development strategy for the clients’ custom sales process.

  • Using the third party platforms or infrastructure to enhance the existing operational efficiency is not a new concept in most industries - however, executing the process properly and efficiently is often challenging. At GTL, we provide clean and efficient way to reduce cost, increase efficiency and substantiate missing parts of operation for our clients’ operations.

  • Key element of successful marketing and branding strategy is to not only conveying the unique value proposition of the company but also to understand deeply about its core customer profiles. Efficient marketing communication often comes from carefully designed messages that can resonate with the customers’ needs. At GTL, we provide step by step services from building your own brand to launching marketing campaigns.

GTL Client Services

After all - it is all about sales.
Scalable global growth into action.

Ultimate goal of any business operations should be establishing sustainable growth that can be maintained by sales and cashflows over the long periods of time. And while having a great product or service is one thing, executing spectacular marketing and operations globally is a quintessential part of growing a business.

GTL believes that potential winners of the industry will have absolute competitive strength in different regions of the market as well. And streamlined marketing strategy and operational excellence are key features to achieve it.

Strategic Business Development

  • Element of sales operations includes having a unique procedure or process that can capture ideal clients or target profiles with systematic approaches. At GTL, we provide unique ways to build business development strategy for the clients’ custom sales process.

  • • Strategic Partner Development
    • Partnership via Joint Ventureship
    • Market Development by Co-Branding
    • Co-owned IP through Joint R&D

Global OEM Strategy

  • Using the third party platforms or infrastructure to enhance the existing operational efficiency is not a new concept in most industries - however, executing the process properly and efficiently is often challenging. At GTL, we provide clean and efficient way to reduce cost, increase efficiency and substantiate missing parts of operation for our clients’ operations.

  • • Strategic OEM Partners Development
    • CKD & SKD Management
    • Korea-based Hi-tech OEM Strategy
    • Overseas OEM Strategy

Marketing & Branding

  • Key element of successful marketing and branding strategy is to not only conveying the unique value proposition of the company but also to understand deeply about its core customer profiles. Efficient marketing communication often comes from carefully designed messages that can resonate with the customers’ needs. At GTL, we provide step by step services from building your own brand to launching marketing campaigns.

  • • Strategic Marketing Planning
    • Market Research & Analysis
    • Branding & Marketing Campaign
    • Strategic Distribution Channel Development

Creating exceptional marketing strategy for target clients

“Connecting and building meaningful strategic partners through professional network.”

Building the best local operation teams with proven track record

“Successfully launching global marketing campaigns and operations since 2008.”

We are ready to begin the journey with you.